Full Plates & Grateful Hearts: Happy Thanksgiving!


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Grateful Hearts
I can’t help but feel gratitude and love for all that I have and am blessed with. The beauty of Thanksgiving is that family and friends come together to give, share, have time to laugh, eat, and express gratitude for our blessings. This year has been a rollercoaster for me and has made me dread celebrating the holidays. I’m glad that as Thanksgiving draws near, I got in the true spirit of Thanksgiving and felt a heartfelt appreciation for the strength that got me through the ups and downs this year and for consistently being resilient throughout this journey.

Now, this post is supposed to be a short, happy Thanksgiving message, but here we go.



What I’m thankful for this Thanksgiving:


God and Faith


For some weird reason, I have a constant nagging in my heart that I don’t know my purpose in life. I was going through the motions of life, doing things because they had to be done, not actually living. I pulled myself back in, reflected through prayer and fasting, and felt a weight lift off me. The constant worry of what would happen next stopped, and I felt at peace, focusing only on the things I had control over and letting God take care of the rest. Thank you, God!



I’ll always count my blessings twice when it comes to my boy. They’re healthy and thriving, and with God’s help, they are blossoming into remarkable young men—compassionate, God-loving, and hardworking. Though it has been a tough year for Joseph Jr. in navigating teen life, I’m so proud of him for wholeheartedly embracing the journey of learning and growth.

One of my most significant highlights of 2023 is the precious time I spent with my best friend. After five long years of not seeing each other, our reunion has been a blessing. Sharing moments and creating memories together has been beautiful, and I feel incredibly fortunate.

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Thanksgiving family outfits

Thanksgiving family outfits




In 2024, I’ll do better at going to all my well-being appointments and intentionally taking care of my body. Before finishing writing this post, I set up an appointment for an annual check-up and dental. It is one of the areas where I’m not making time for myself. I’m so thankful for good health, and the only way I can show appreciation for my health is by nurturing and taking better care of myself in 2024.

Online Community


It has been an honor to serve each one of you. I’m grateful for all of you making the time to read the blog, comment, send emails, and share love on my other platforms. I couldn’t do this without you. The blog is striving because of you, and I’m so thankful. Enjoy a wonderful Thanksgiving with your family and friends.



Things that rock my world


A few weeks ago, I shared on Instagram that two of my favorite things to do are dressing up and going to brunch. Who doesn’t love that? I’m happy that, even though I was on a time crunch this year, I made time to dress and go to brunch. Added to the list are putting on makeup, drinking coffee quietly, and slowly warming up to working out again (I love that for me).

What are some of the things you’re grateful for? Please share; I’d love to celebrate your wins and perseverance. As we spend this precious holiday season, reflecting on the importance of family, friends, and abundance. May your Thanksgiving be filled with love, laughter, an abundance of reasons to give thanks, and a whole lot of amazing, delicious food.
Happy Thanksgiving, family!
Thanksgiving family outfits
Thanksgiving family outfits
Thanksgiving family outfits

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A mother to three boys, Joseph Jr, Jelani, and Jayson. Lover of God and a woman who enjoys doing life with you all. I created this blog to be a place where I can use my voice to share my experiences and inspire you to do the things that light you up. READ MORE

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