Life with two under two

An exciting, chaotic, exhausting, and beautiful journey!

Life with two under two

"you are right! Having two kids a year apart is just like having twins."

Finding out I was pregnant five months after having my second child did not come as a surprise. It was what we wanted and figure it will be easy since we are already taking care of a baby. Hahahahaha…………

Yes, laugh with me, hahaha, this was a big joke

In my experience, having two under two is harder than I was expecting. I am spending a lot of time nursing, doing laundry, entertaining the kids, changing diapers, making meals at least 120 times a day, and doing more laundry. Yeah, I have no or little time for myself. There are days where I ask myself “How did I think that this was a great idea?”

For me, the frustrating part of this journey is finding a way to meet both of their needs at the same time. If my 23-month-old child is throwing tantrums because he wants his snacks, and my 11-month-old is crying because he needs a diaper change, who should I take care of first?

When Does it get easier?

This is a tricky question. “Easy” is different for everyone, but I have heard other parents with two under two used this quote a lot, “It is just a phase, it will pass.”
I believe every stage comes with its advantages and challenges. The phase will pass but with kids, there are always going to be bad days and a lot of good days. Some days, I feel like I have it all figured out, the kids are playing together, taking their naps on time, eating their food, and going to bed early. Then come the days where I have a toddler who is crying for every and anything and a baby who is cranky because he is too tired to sleep.

Every day, I thank God for these babies.

Both my sisters have twins and one of them always says that twins are double the trouble……. but more than a double blessing.
That’s right, I see my Irish twins (siblings that are eleven months or less apart) as my wonderful blessing. It’s surreal to see them bonding, their smiles and laughter are music to my ears. I wouldn’t trade experiencing that for anything. Though they fight at times (yes, my 23-month-old Jelan likes to let his little brother know that all the toys belong to him), I like that they have each other.

Most of the time I may be exhausted physically and mentally, but I am also genuinely happy to be raising these amazing children.

That’s why I referred to it as an exciting, chaotic, exhausting, and beautiful journey!

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A mother to three boys, Joseph Jr, Jelani, and Jayson. Lover of God and a woman who enjoys doing life with you all. I created this blog to be a place where I can use my voice to share my experiences and inspire you to do the things that light you up. READ MORE

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