Self care ideas for moms | moms with no village

Becoming a mom is part of who I am, not all I want to be! So incorporating self-care is important to me.

Self-care practices

Five ways to practice Self-care | for moms without help!

I have seen a lot of self-care tips online for moms that are really helpful, but I want to share some ways for moms without a village close by or who do not have any outside help when it comes to childcare. So many times, people call moms superheroes. It’s cool to be a superhero, but they also deserve to feel relaxed and recharged after being on the clock 24/7 (yes, moms are always on the clock). 

What I want in my motherhood journey is to lean into being a mom who is happy while nourishing my kids.

As a mom without external help, it is challenging to do the things I enjoy by myself when I always have to care for other humans, but I know that for me, becoming a mom is part of who I am, and not all I want to be! So I always find ways for me to incorporate self-care. 

self-care for moms

Self-care is not all about bubble baths or lighting candles. It is about what makes a parent mentally, emotionally, or physically okay. Self-care is different for everyone, so basically it is all about doing what makes you happy and improves your well-being.

Let’s think about moms who do not have help or cannot afford to pay for daycare. How can they make time for self-care? Raising one, three, or twelve children with help is challenging enough. Now imagine moms without any help from extended family due to distance, family disagreement, or simply because they don’t have anyone outside of their partner or they’re doing this parenthood thing alone.

Moms’ not having help is a valid claim for not prioritizing self-care, but with these tips I’m sharing with you, self-care does not have to be put on the back burner.

Five Self-Care ideas for moms With No Help

1) Having A Sleeping Routine

A bedtime routine is the things you do with your baby before they go to bed. This can include showers, bedtime stories, playtime, or whatever works for you. Having this schedule will help you to have a good night’s rest and feel refreshed to start your day when you wake up.

2) Take Some Time For Yourself

Spending at least 30 minutes by yourself every day without having to worry about your baby is good for your mental health. Before my kids wake up, I make sure I have had at least 30 minutes of me-time. I can use that time to enjoy my coffee in quietness, scroll on my phone, watch TV, or anything that brings me joy. My favorite is having an uninterrupted shower. 

I know that 30 minutes goes by so fast, but it is a great way to enjoy some peace before the noise starts. 

3) Find a gym with free childcare

A gym with free childcare services is a lifesaver. With this, you can take your kid there and exercise for at least 30 minutes, and then take some time for yourself and use it however you want. It can be stretching, just watching the cars move, or reading a book.

4) Do something you both enjoy

Incorporating activities that you both enjoy will help you both have a great time. For example, some kids like getting out of the house, so pack a bag and go for a walk, or go shopping. You do not have to buy anything; window shopping is fine (hahaha……. ). Swimming is great in the summer, as is coloring, crafting, etc.

5) Let-go of mom-guilt

This is a tough one for us moms, because even though I know that I’m giving my best, it sometimes feels like I’m not doing enough for my kids. Surprisingly, the majority of my mom friends said that they are also struggling with this. We think we are selfish for wanting some me-time. But mama, let me remind you that you cannot show up for anyone if you have been drained. Feeling guilty won’t help our kids, but it will likely mess up our day. You are doing an amazing job, mama. You are what your kid needs.

I would love to know some of the different ways you have been practising self-care as a mom, or how you plan to add self-care to your daily routine. Let’s chat in the comment section.

Happy Self-Caring Mama, you deserve it!

Self-care takes commitment and hard work for you to get the desired result you want. "It is not selfish to love yourself, take care of yourself, and make your happiness a priority. It's necessary"

Mandy Hale

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A mother to three boys, Joseph Jr, Jelani, and Jayson. Lover of God and a woman who enjoys doing life with you all. I created this blog to be a place where I can use my voice to share my experiences and inspire you to do the things that light you up. READ MORE

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