Stay-at-home mom ( A day in the life of a stay at home mom)

So, I’ve been doing this really cool thing for two years now! Wow, Just WOW. Being a stay-at-home mom to three boys (one preteen and two toddlers) has been an interesting ride. Well to be honest, I am mostly a stay-at-home mom to the toddlers, the preteen, on the other hand, is independent and spends around 10 hours a day at school.

There is no such thing as a typical day in the life of a stay-at-home mom. Every day brings unique challenges and grace, so what’s on this list changes based on what’s going on for that day.

But here is a breakdown of what a good day in my life as a stay at home mom looks like:

The morning marathon

At 5:00am, my alarm goes off. On the days that I don’t push the snooze button, I get out of bed, so I can get a head start of my day before the kids wake up. I make myself a cup of coffee, do a 20-minute workout, and prepare breakfast. Following that, I’ll check my email or social media accounts, shower, and get ready for the day.

7:00-7:30am: It’s time to get the boys out of bed, change their diapers, brush their teeth, and give them breakfast. Pancakes, cereal, oatmeal and a variety of fruits and vegetables are our go-to breakfasts.

8:00am: Dress the boys and pack a lunch for my preschooler.

8:30am: We’re all set to head out. Jelan, my 2.5-year-old son, goes to daycare while I stay at home with Jayson. It may appear like getting kids into the car is a simple task, but believe me when I say it’s a struggle. Hahahahahahahah…..

Drop off and a little bit of quiet

9am: After dropping off Jelan at his preschool. I’ll turn on the TV for Jayson, while I decide whether to clean up the breakfast messes or post/engage on social media. My goal for spring and summer is to take Jayson to the park or the library for 1 hour before going home.

11:00am: For real for real, clean up the breakfast messes if they’re still staring at me and start prepping for lunch. At this point, the TV is off, Jayson would want to be glue to me, and that’s when I’ll start saying a silent prayer for him to take a nap. For lunch, I just need to cook rice and some veggies, because most likely, I already have some stew.

12:00pm: Jayson will have his lunch, and I’ll get my afternoon pick-me-up coffee.

12:45pm: It’s naptime baby! (His nap time varies between 11:00am and 1:00pm, some days he doesn’t nap at all) 

I use 15-30 minutes to quickly clean the kitchen, dining room, and living room.

1:30pm: I try to get some homework done, but social media usually takes over.

As moms, we are on the clock 24/7. Our schedules are constantly changing, especially moms with babies and young children. Stay-at-home moms, if someone asks in a shady way what you do all day when you’re with your kids, punch them*cough cough* Just ignore them

Looking forward for the day to be over

3:00pm: Jayson wakes up. I’ll give him his snacks, and allow him to watch more television (Ikik, don’t judge me)

3:15pm – 4:15pm: Household chores. I set an alarm for this so, I don’t get distracted. Depending on the day of the week, I load/fold laundry, clean the bathroom, make the bed, vacuum, etc.

4:30pm: It’s time to pick-up Jelan from preschool.

5:00pm: Put the boys down for snacks, while I clean out Jelan’s backpack and start dinner. For dinner, we usually have quesadillas, potatoes, vegetables, chicken/salmon, etc. On days when I have to go to school, twice a week. My husband takes care of the kids’ bedtime routine, since I won’t be home until 9:30pm. Jelan will fall asleep, but Jayson will wait for the person he loves the most in the world, his mom.

Let continue for a regular day without school:

5:30pm: My pre-teen is back from school. He’ll play with the toddlers for 10-15 minutes, get some snacks and off to play his video games for 1 hour

6:30pm-7:00pm: Dinner

Mom, Joseph Jr., Jelani and Jayson

7:00pm – 8:00pm: Bedtime routine (bath is every other night, but on days when they don’t take a shower, I clean their bodies with a wet cloth) Then, wear their pajamas.

8:25pm: Joseph Jr. or my husband will read to the kids. Then bedtime

Jelan will sleep, but Jayson will only sleep at night if I am with him. ***send help*** His sleep schedule has changed because we were flexible about bedtime when we were hit by covid in January.

9:00pm: Joseph Jr.’s bedtime

I’ll lay in bed with Jayson, got out my laptop, and worked on my blog, school, or more social media. My bedtime is between 11:30pm to 1:30am.

That’s what a day in my life as stay at home would look like. It’s not perfect, but it’s working for us!

Let me know what a day in your life looks like. Do we have anything in common?

1 thought on “Stay-at-home mom ( A day in the life of a stay at home mom)”

  1. Pingback: The Life-Changing Book I Wish I Had Read earlier by Mark Mason - Lifewithbisi

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A mother to three boys, Joseph Jr, Jelani, and Jayson. Lover of God and a woman who enjoys doing life with you all. I created this blog to be a place where I can use my voice to share my experiences and inspire you to do the things that light you up. READ MORE

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