4 Ways to Stay Content While Waiting for a Breakthrough

What does a breakthrough look like to you?

A year ago, I was at the pool having a good time, and for a minute I paused, and thought to myself, “I’m living a happy life.” Yet, I know I want more. I want a big breakthrough. A breakthrough for what exactly? I’m not sure what it is, but something inside of me knows I’m dreaming too small.

a breakthrough
I have come to realize that even though life is good beyond what my younger self ever imagined, it is okay to still want more. I'm grateful for where I am, yet praying for a breakthrough. I'm content, and I also know a blessing is coming my way. 

Waiting for a breakthrough

Having an optimistic outlook and being more comfortable with uncertainty can leave you very contented and with less stress and anxiety. Our minds can sometimes sabotage us into believing things that are not true, but they seem to be true based on the circumstances while we are waiting for the breakthrough. In a worrisome state, you will find yourself obsessively dwelling on certain thoughts to the point that you cannot think of anything else.

After that day at the pool, I’ve constantly found myself thinking more deeply about life. I’m now very optimistic about achieving big goals and excited to put in the work and be patient in the process. A life-changing blessing is different for everyone, but in the waiting process, hope can be lost. I’ve learned ways to be content during the waiting time for my blessing and breakthrough.


If you’ve experienced stress and anxiety about what the future looks like, I’m sharing these four tips that have helped me stay content during these periods of working and waiting for my breakthrough, and I know they will help you too.

Timing is everything

A factor to consider is that achieving something requires a combination of circumstances. You may feel ready for what you are expecting, but there are some aspects of your life that you may need to work on or some skills to learn before your breakthrough comes to light. As much as it is hard to hear these facts, sometimes we’re the ones delaying our breakthrough. Look at where you are at the moment and ask yourself, “What do I need to learn from here?” Take actions that will help you materialize your breakthrough at the right time.

Break Up the Long Wait

The waiting period can be long. It will have you play so many scenarios, both negative and positive. To not dwell in a place where the time seems too long, the best idea is to break your goals into smaller chunks. Start by identifying short-term goals and shifting your focus to achieving them first. This will also help you maintain control and distract you from the long wait.

Practice Positive Thinking

Most of the time, waiting anxiously is always connected with the feeling that the wait may come with bad news or a negative outcome, making it hard to wait patiently. If you have a more positive outlook, you will generally be more optimistic about the outcome of what you are waiting for. You will find waiting patiently easier. An optimistic outlook will entail letting go of a sense of control. It would help if you tried to ground yourself and focus on the present moment. Thinking actively about alternative ways forward will help you wait patiently and feel more contented.

Practice Self-Distraction

Different types of healthy distractions will help you during your wait. Focus your attention on other things. The anticipation of a breakthrough can be quite unbearable. Worrying about the outcomes you do not know can bring about negative thoughts. For example, reading a book or focusing on hobbies such as meditation, drawing, and sewing. Meditation will wipe away the stress of the long wait and bring you peace and contentment. This is beneficial for your mental well-being and general health.

a breakthrough

The Uncertainty of Life

Waiting for a breakthrough can be tough, and it sometimes comes with anxiety and stress. You may believe you have already secured the bag, but delays do occur. It is critical to know how to maintain a level head while waiting for a breakthrough.

As we all know, there are some things in life that are simply beyond our control, even if we have a very good plan. Uncertainty is possible along the way. When the expected breakthrough does not yield the fruits you desire, and you have been keeping the momentum and doing all that it humanly takes to achieve what success looks like to you, you still have an advantage with all of your experience, and it will be easier when you forge ahead in a different direction.

Wishing you the best!

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A mother to three boys, Joseph Jr, Jelani, and Jayson. Lover of God and a woman who enjoys doing life with you all. I created this blog to be a place where I can use my voice to share my experiences and inspire you to do the things that light you up. READ MORE

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